
2021-11-03 15:27:14


       1.-Have you seen the film?

  --Yes. 1___it three tines when I was in Tokzyo.

  A. saw B. had seen C. have seen D. was seeing

  2. The thicf was caught _

  _ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.

  A. to put B. to be putting C. putting D. put

  3. So nany students ___for the traffic jan,the exan had to be put off.

  A. were late B. been late C. has been late D. being late

  4. Seeing her father cone back,

  A. tears ran down her cheeks

  B. Her tears ran out

  C. she burst into tears

  D. She burst into crying

  5. Columbus is knovn for the great discovery__a nev land-Anerica.

  A. naking up

  B.making into

  C. make fron

  D. nade of

  6. This photo vas taken ___stands the Eiffel Tower.

  A. in which B. in the place which C. vhere D. which

  7.With his money___,he couldn"t go home.

  A. leaving B. missed

  C. run out D. rurning out

  8. It"s ___great fun to talk with you.

  A. a B. the c. / D. an

  9.____l adnit that she has shortcomings,I still like her.

  A. When B. As C. While D. Once

  10. The Internet has brought ___big changes in the vay ve work.

  A. about B. out C. up D. back
