
2017-03-29 17:18:57


My grandfather took me to the fish pond on the farm when I was seven. He told me to throw a__21____into the water. and he told me to watch the____22___created by the stone. Then he asked me to__ 23__ of myself as that stone.

“You may24 lots of splashes (飞溅 ) in your life,___ 25___the waves that come from those splashes will ___26____the peace of all your fellow___27_____,”he said.

“Remember that you are ___28____for what you put in your circle and that the circle will also___29____many other circles. You will need to live in the ___30____that allows the good that comes from your circle to ___31____the peace of that goodness to___32____. The splash that comes from anger or jealousy will send those___33_____to other circles. You are responsible for____34_____.”

That was the first time I ___35_____each person creates the inner peace or discord (冲突) that ____36_____out into the world. We cannot create world peace if we are ___37____with inner conflicts, hatred, ____38______, or anger. We radiate (流露) the feelings and thoughts that we hold ____39_____,whether we speak them out or not. Whatever is splashing around inside of us is spilling out into the world, creating beauty or discord with all other circles of life.

We are ____40_____to everything and everyone else around in the universe.

21. A. stick     B. brick      C. stone       D. ball

22. A. holes     B. circles     C. drops       D. waters

23. A. think     B. accuse     C. regard      D. warn

24. A. produce   B. damage    C. prevent     D. create

25. A. but       B. because    C. while       D. for

26. A. cut       B. disturb     C. bring       D. block

27. A. students   B. friends     C. creatures    D. workers

28. A. proud     B. helpful     C. respectful   D. responsible

29. A. hear      B. leave       C. strike      D. touch

30. A. family    B. situation     C. way       D. hurry

31. A. send      B. provide     C. destroy     D. keep

32. A. them      B. nobody     C. someone    D. others

33. A. tastes      B. smells      C. feelings    D. views

34. A. all        B. both        C. neither     D. any

35. A. realized    B. recognized   C. admitted   D. promised

36. A. flows      B. takes       C. picks       D. brings

37. A. prepared   B. filled       C. presented    D. supplied

38. A. honesty    B. truth        C. doubt      D. modesty

39. A. forward    B. outside      C. inside      D. upward   

40. A. referred    B. intended     C. devoted    D. connected





21-----25 CBADA    26-----30 BCDDC   31-----35 ADCBA

36----40 ABCCD


21.C. 利用反指法,后面提到了that stone

22.B. circles 指波纹,后文多次提到circles

23.A. 考察短语think of as  看成此处为:把想象成为

24.D. 依上文created by the stone可知。这里是“激起”的意思。

25.A. 表转折。

26.B. disturb破坏周围的平静。

27.C. creatures是总称。这里指人。

28.D. 考察短语be responsible for. 意为:对。。。负责任。

29.D. touch意为:触及到,触动。

30.D. 考察短语in the way.依后面的that 从句也能推知。

31.A. 传播的意思。


33.C. feelings情感的意思。

34.B. anger or jealousy这两者。

35.A. realized意识到   recognized 认出   admitted承认 promised承诺,保证.依文义选realized

36.A. 流露,传播。

37.B. 考察短语be filled with.

38.C. 依语境应选负面意义的词,故选doubt.

39.C. 依文义可知:内心的感觉和思绪。

40.D. 我们与其他的人和事物是相联系的。




In the United States there was an unusual tale telling of the daughter of a mechanic(技工). One day while walking along the bank of a lake, the girl____1_____ to see 20 eggs laid by a wild goose. After some time the girl___2_____ the mother would not return to her eggs and she ____3___ to take them home. There she carefully ___4___ the eggs in the heat of a lamp. Several days ___5____ the eggs broke and the baby geese came into the____6__.

  Geese are known to take the first living thing they see as their mother. ___7___, to these young geese, the girl was their mother.

  As they ___8____, the girl was able to ___9___ her birds to run across the grass, but she could not teach them to ___10____. The girl became increasingly worried about this, both when __11____ and in her dreams. Later, she had an ___12____: She would pilot a plane to guide them in ___13__.She asked her father for a plane and he assembled(组装) a small aircraft for her.

   Caring about ___14___ safety, the father decided to pilot the plane himself. However, the birds did not ___15___ or follow him, and ____16___ slept in the grass.

   One day, the girl ____17__ into the plane, started it and soon left the __18_____. Seeing their mother take to the air, the birds __19____ flapped(拍打)their wings and ___20____. She flew the plane freely in the sky, her young birds following.

1. A. managed    B. attempted    C. happened     D. supposed

2.A. realized     B. expected     C. imagined      D. admitted

3.A. helped      B. decided      C. afforded       D. meant

4.A. placed      B. protected     C. treated        D. examined

5.A. ago        B. out           C. later         D. long

6.A. family      B. lake          C. home        D. world

7.A. But        B. Also          C. Thus         D. Still

8.A. increased    B. improved      C. rose         D. grew

9.A. ask         B. lead          C. want         D. allow

10.A. fly        B. race           C. swim        D. sing

11.A. asleep      B. away          C. around       D. awake

12.A. idea       B. opinion        C. explanation   D. excuse

13.A. sky         B. heaven       C. flight        D. plane

14.A. his         B. her           C. their         D. its

15.A. respect      B. remember     C. recognize     D. receive

16.A. so          B. instead        C. hardly       D. too

17.A. climbed     B. looked        C. reached       D. fell

18.A. house       B. floor          C. water        D. ground

19.A. secretly     B. disappointedly   C. patiently     D. eagerly

20.A. looked away  B. set out         C. went by     D. turned back





1----5CABAC  6----10 DCDBA  11----15 DACBC  16-----20 BADDB





















