
2019-12-11 17:14:48



  本大纲为专插本考生专门编写,作为考试命题的依据。《综合教程》是英专学生的必修课程。这门课主要是培养学生扎实的的语言基本动,即语音,语调正确,词法,句法,章法的规范,词汇表达的得体,听说读写译的熟练技能。语言能力主要指获取知识的能力,运用知识的能力,分析问题的能力。《综合教程》共分 4 册,每册包含 14个单元,其中每一单元包含围绕同一个主题的两篇课文。课文多数为英美作者的原文。除个别经典文章外,绝大多数的课文选自 20 世纪 70 年代以来国外原版的教科书、报刊杂志和其他读物。语篇的类型包括叙述文、说明文、论证文和描述文;涉及的主题包括社会、文化、政治、生态、科技,以及人文修养、人际关系、伦理道德、性格塑造,等等。


  教材:《综合教程》(第二版,1-3 册)主编:何兆熊,上海外语教育出版社,2013 年 4 月

  参考书:《牛津现代高级英汉双解词典》商务印书馆. 牛津大学出版社


  《综合教程》 第1册

  Unit 1

  Text I Never Say Goodbye (重点)

  Text II The Dinner Party (一般)

  Unit 2

  Text I The Fun They Had (次重点)

  Text II The Laugher (一般)

  Unit 3

  Text I Whatever Happened to Manners? (次重点)

  Text II An Educator’s Moral Responsibility (一般)

  Unit 4

  Text I Dealing with AIDS (重点)

  Text II AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) (一般)

  Unit 5

  Text I How to Be True to Yourself (次重点)

  Text II Becoming a Child of Nature: It’s Twofold Task of Parents and Children (一般)

  Unit 6

  Text I Is an Only Child a Lonely Child? (重点)

  Text II Changing Roles: Stay-at-Home Dads (一般)

  Unit 7

  Text I When Lightning Struck (次重点)

  Text II Dad Had Lost Any Purpose in Life (一般)

  Unit 8

  Text I My Forever Valentine (重点)

  Text II Make Today Count (一般)

  Unit 9

  Text I Hollywood (重点)

  Text II The Disney Company (一般)

  Unit 10

  Text I A Debt to Dickens (重点)

  Text II The Companionship of Books (一般)

  Unit 11

  Text I Salvation (次重点)

  Text II The Capture of Kunta Kinte (一般)

  Unit 12

  Text I Gender Bias in Language (重点)

  Text II The Difference Between Sex and Gender (一般)

  Unit 13

  Text I The Light of Depression (次重点)

  Text II Remaining Positive When Facing a Chronic Illness(一般)

  Unit 14

  Text I Five Traits of the Educated Man (次重点)

  Text II When Does Education Stop? (一般)

  《综合教程》第 2 册

  Unit 1

  Text I “We’ve Been Hit!” (重点)

  Text II Rethinking Skyscrapers (一般)

  Unit 2

  Text I The Virtues of Growing Older (次重点)

  Text II Closing the Gap (一般)

  Unit 3

  Text I My Stoke of Luck (重点)

  Text II A New Attitude to Gratitude (一般)

  Unit 4

  Text I Cultural Encounters (次重点)

  Text II Does Your Body Betray You? (一般)

  Unit 5

  Text I Fourteen Steps (次重点)

  Text II The Power of Belief (一般)

  Unit 6

  Text I The Diary of the Unknown Soldier (重点)

  Text II Life Goes On (一般)

  Unit 7

  Text I Letter to a B Student (重点)

  Text II College Pressures (一般)

  Unit 8

  Text I Focus on Global Warming (重点)

  Text II The Villain in the Atmosphere (一般)

  Unit 9

  Text I What Is Happiness? (重点)

  Text II The Art of Unhappiness (一般)

  Unit 10

  Text I The Jeaning of America (重点)

  Text II Happy Birthday to You (一般)

  Unit 11

  Text I Open the Door to Forgiveness (次重点)

  Text II Forgiveness (一般)

  Unit 12

  Text I The Importance of Moral Intelligence in Children(重点)

  Text II Across America, Grief and Horror (一般)

  Unit 13

  Text I Speech at the Graveside of Karl Marx (次重点)

  Text II Reminiscences of Karl Marx (一般)

  Unit 14

  Text I The Wedding Story (重点)

  Text II Gossip (一般)

  《综合教程》第 3 册

  Unit 1

  Text I Fresh Start (重点)

  Text II A University Stands and Shines (一般)

  Unit 2

  Text I The Company Man (重点)

  Text II Time to Take It Easy (一般)

  Unit 3

  Text I Out of Step (重点)

  Text II Skylines and Skyscrapers (一般)

  Unit 4

  Text I Fun, Oh Boy. Fun. You Could Die from It (重点)

  Text II The Age of Thrills (一般)

  Unit 5

  Text I The Real Truth about Lies (重点)

  Text II To Lie or Not to Lie?—The Doctor’s Dilemma (一般)

  Unit 6

  Text I How to Write a Rotten Poem with Almost No Effort (重点)

  Text II The Interpretation of Poetry (一般)

  Unit 7

  Text I The Chaser (重点)

  Text II Young Men and Elderly Men (一般)

  Unit 8

  Text I Knowledge and Wisdom (重点)

  Text II How to Become a Man of Genius (一般)

  Unit 9

  Text I Chinese Food (重点)

  Text II Chinese Food in America (一般)

  Unit 10

  Text I The Transaction (次重点)

  Text II Some Self-Analysis (一般)

  Unit 11

  Text I On Becoming a Better Student (重点)

  Text II The Art of Acknowledgement (一般)

  Unit 12

  Text I “Take Over, Bos’n!” (重点)

  Text II War (一般)

  Unit 13

  Text I Our Schedules, Our Selves (重点)

  Text II The Unhappy American Way (一般)

  Unit 14

  Text I Homeless (次重点)

  Text II The Ideal of the Family versus the Ideal of Personal Individualism (一般)

  《综合教程》第 4 册

  Unit 1

  Text I Never Give In, Never, Never, Never (次重点)

  Text II Winston Churchill (一般)

  Unit 2

  Text I Space Invaders (重点)

  Text II Space and Distance (一般)

  Unit 3

  Text I Alienation and the Internet (重点)

  Text II America Online: Losing the Battles, but Winning the War (一般)

  Unit 4

  Text I A View of Mountains (重点)

  Text II Statement at the 2003 Session of the United Nations Disarmament Commission (一般)

  Unit 5

  Text I The Tapestry of Friendship (次重点)

  Text II My Daughter, My Friend (一般)

  Unit 6

  Text I A French Fourth (重点)

  Text II Stuck in the Middle (一般)

  Unit 7

  Text I The Monster (重点)

  Text II Simple Habits, Deep Thoughts (一般)

  Unit 8

  Text I The Discus Thrower (次重点)

  Text II A Rage Against Dying (一般)

  Unit 9

  Text I How I Found My Voice (重点)

  Text II Thank You, Mr. Chips (一般)

  Unit 10

  Text I The Idiocy of Urban Life (次重点)

  Text II The City (一般)

  Unit 11

  Text I The Story of an Eyewitness (次重点)

  Text II Memories of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire(一般)

  Unit 12

  Text I A Case of “Severe Bias” (重点)

  Text II That Word Black (一般)

  Unit 13

  Text I Marriage (次重点)

  Text II Why I Want a Wife (一般)

  Unit 14

  Text I Under the Sign of Mickey Mouse & Co. (重点)

  Text II Into the Unknown (一般)


  1、考试方式:闭卷,时间为 120 分钟



  阅读理解:主要考查学生获取书面信息的速度和准确性,要求学生在规定时间内阅读 2 篇总词数约为 800—900 单词的英语短文,根据阅读内容选择每个问题的最佳答案。题材包括社会、文化、经济、科普等方面的说明文、记叙文、议论文等。

  完形填空:测试学生运用语言的综合能力。要求考生在全面理解所给短文内容的基础上选择一个最佳答案使短文意思通顺,结构完整。本题为多项选择题。在一篇 250 词左右、题材熟悉、难度中等的短文中留有二十个空白。每个空白为一题,每题有四个选项。填空的词包括结构词和实义词。



  写作:测试学生在基础阶段用英语书面表达思想的能力。要求根据所给题目和列出的写作提纲写一 200 词左右的短文。能做到内容切题、完整、条理清楚,文章结构严谨,语法正确,语言通顺恰当。



  (2)难易程度分值比例基本控制在 60%的题量测试基础知识;30%属于中等难度的题目,主要测试学生的语言理解和表达能力。10%属于高难度的题目,主要测试学生的语言运用能力。

  (3)每份试卷中,各类考核点所占比例约为:重点占 70%,次重点占 25%,一般占 5%。
