
2019-12-20 11:16:07


  1.They ___ in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.

  A.carried forward

  B.carried out

  C.carried on

  D.carried off

  2.When Edison died,it was proposed that the Americans ___ all power in their homes,streets and factories for several minutes in honor of this great man.

  A.turn off

  B.turned off

  C.must turn off

  D.would have turned off

  3.___ are afraid of difficulties;we are all determined.

  A.None of us

  B.Not all of us

  C.All of us

  D.All of us not。

  4.You cannot be ___ careful when you drive a car.

  A.very B.so

  C.too D.enough

  5.It does not alter the fact that he was the man ___ for the death of the little girl.

  A.according B.guilty

  C.responsible D.obliged

  6.I could not persuade him to accept it.___ make him see the importance of it.

  A.If only I could not

  B.No more than I could

  C.Nor could I

  D.Or I could not

  1.【精析】C 词语搭配。本句的意思是:尽管条件极其困难,他们仍然坚持下去。动词短语搭配题:carry forward意为“推进,发扬";carry out意为“开展,实现";carry off意为“夺去…的生命”;carry on意为“坚持下去”。

  2.【精析】A虚拟语气。本句的意思是:爱迪生去世时,有人建议美国人关掉家中、街道上和工厂里的电力供应来纪念这位伟人。虚拟语气题:It is/was proposed that...其后的从句用虚拟语气,动词形式为“should+动词原形”,should可省略。

  3.【精析】A 句法结构。本句的意思是:我们都下定了决心,没人害怕困难。全部否定形式:根据句意及后面的all可知此处应使用表示全部否定的词,故选A。当句中出现never,neither,nothing,none,nobody,nowhere等,就表明绝对没有人、没有事或没有物(时间、地方等)。

  4.【精析】C 词语搭配。本句的意思是:你开车时越小心越武好。情态动词的固定搭配题:“cannot...too+形容词”,表示“无论怎样...也不过分”。

  5.【精析】C词语搭配。本句的意思是:这并不能改变事实,他就是那个要对小姑娘的死亡负责的人。固定搭配题:(be) responsible for...意为“为.....负责”;according to意为“根据,依据”;(be) guilty,of意为“犯(某种罪或过失)”;be obliged to意为“.对.....很感激”。

  6.【精析】C 句法结构。本句的意思是:我既无法劝说他接受它,也不能让他明白它的重要性。固定结构题:表示对两方面都否定的句子用“not(neither)...nor..”结构,nor如果置于分句句首,分句语序应该倒装。
