
2020-04-17 09:46:05

  在河南专升本考试中,英语就是要多做真题,多背多记,下面是一些关于河南专升本英语的高频考点,知识点适用性很强. 主要是些很基础的东西, 适用于基础薄弱的同学。



  1.Prefer: prefer doing rather than doing, prefer doing, prefer n to n

  2.Other: every other day 每隔一天, some other 其他某个 (其后可跟单数名词和复数名词), no other + 名词 = no others, others 是名词其后不能再跟名词, the other 其余的, one another 彼此,互相,

  3.Rather: rather than 而不是, had rather 宁可,宁愿

  Than: rather than 而不是

  Other than 除了

  More than 多于

  Less than 少于

  No sooner than 一…就

  4.虚拟语气:insist, suggest, order, advise 表示建议命令要求意义的词, 其后接从句要用should (可省)+ 动词原形.

  I’m sorry/ surprised/disappointed…that…(should)+ 动词原形

  It’s (high/ about) time that…should(不可省)+ 动词原形

  It’s necessary/important/essential…that…(should) + 动词原形


  5.Be worth doing / be worthy of doing

  6.much too = too 太,极, too much = much 非常多

  Much to one’s + 名词 令人...

  7.have/ let/ make + 宾语 + 宾补

  宾补可以是省略to的不定式, 也可以是过去分词

  8.以make, take, draw, turn, check, come, result, keep, catch, spread 为中心的短语

  9.as far as sb’s concerned 就…而言(基本每年都考)

  10.in, on, at的用法




  先不看选项把文章看一遍, 看的时候猜一下空里可能填什么答案(尝试让整个句子看起来通顺), 能顺出来的就顺出来, 想不出来不要纠结接着往下看文章.

  看完一遍开始做题, 相信自己的第一直觉, 每个选项都要看一遍, 有绝对把握的直接选上, 没有把握的把每个选项带入原文翻译一遍, 哪个更通顺选哪个.

  脑海里要构建一个场景, 联系实际, 合理想象与推理, 就做对了,


  1. 这句话从脑海中蹦出来, brain字面意义能说得通, 但咱也没见过和他有关的词组搭配, 后面俩不贴合句意排除,选A

  2. 中国人打招呼问彼此吃了吗, 打招呼greet, 选C

  3. 日常打招呼, 排除法选daily

  4. 结合后面的商业会谈和家庭聚会都属于场合, situation形式不符, condition环境不符, circumstance条件不符

  5. Like to do sth , 这里选一个动词dine

  6. 翻译带入, 加强家庭联系

  7. Be regarded as 固定搭配

  8. Mean doing sth 意味着做某事, 选C

  9. 食物的味道 a taste of

  10. No =not a, 这里应该指世界上没有其他的地方再像中国一样…..,选no把中国也排除在外了, no others后不跟名词, 它本身就是个独立的名词, not语法不对

  11. 填一个名词, 强调美食超级多, 选variety

  12. 对发展中华美食文化做出贡献, 分析各个选项意思, 选contribute

  13. Be outstanding in 固定搭配

  14. 名词前选一个介词, as, 表示作为一个……很有天分

  15. 高度赞扬, highly 高度地, 这里副词修饰形容词praised

  16. Play a role in 固定搭配

  17. 这里指这本书讲了什么, and 连接两个相同成分的名词, and后是南北方的美食,前面也与美食有关, 根据逻辑推, 应该是做饭的技巧, 做饭工具,做饭设备,做饭科技都不对

  18. Cover over 覆盖,包括, 带入翻译然后排除

  19. Range from…to 固定搭配

  20. 同上


  1. landscapes与find被动关系,选B

  2. 根据you want to ,you should 推断是假设, 选if

  3. 你一定要多花几天, certainly语气与should保持一致,不放心带入翻译选答案

  4. 选非谓语, 地方被创造, 被动

  5. Access to 固定搭配

  6. Name after 根据…而命名, 固定搭配

  7. 运动受人们欢迎, popular

  8. 下文提到的红鹿, 红松鼠, 金鹰全部是野生生物,选wildlife

  9. 与下文乘火车去相对比, 都是两种交通方式, 结合选项步行选walk

  10. 海平面一样, 选above, 固定用法

  11. 定语从句

  12. 根据下一个空填自然名胜, park 也是natural attraction, 选 to

  13. Natural attraction 自然风景名胜, 固定搭配

  14. 200米深, 200 meters deep,十米高, ten meters high

  15. 200年前应该指的是最初

  16. 现在完成进行时, 从过去到现在一直进行的动作

  17. 时间状语从句, 选when

  18. In the past 在过去,一段时间,选while

  19. 船是运输工具,选transporting

  20. 以前运石头, 现在运人, 选tourist


  1.先找句子主干, 然后定状补, 各种从句一个一个往上加.



  4碰见俗语谚语就直接蒙吧, 它只会出现在英翻汉里,而且翻译过来一定是很常见的那种.



  句子主干: 短信便捷. Message is convenient.

  即时的 就是立刻的,instant

  如此…以至于, so…that

  从句:Everyone use it now.

  一定要注意句子前后相应名词单复数保持一致, 分析好句子时态, 写完要检查几遍.

  整个句子就是 Instant message is so convenient that everyone uses it now.


  句子主干:这个城市给旅游者留下了印象.The city left an impression on the tourists.


  漂亮干净的 beautiful and clean 外国的 foreign

  深刻的 deep

  整个句子: The beautiful and clean city left a deep impression on foreign tourists.


  这个直接就是句子主干, 但你可以分成两部分翻译

  我想知道 I want to know

  他把表给谁了 whom he gave the watch to

  这里有短语 give sth to sb, whom就是to的宾语,使用宾格形式.

  整个句子 I want to know whom he gave the watch to.

  4.Sam买不起他极想要的那种照相机, 因为那相机太贵了.

  句子主干:Sam 买不起照相机,因为太贵了.(连词连接两个句子,如果想高级一点,你也可以写成一个)

  买不起 can’t affod sth

  Sam couldn’t afford the camera because it was too expensive.

  他极想要的,就是他非常渴望的,可不能翻成 want it very much ,太low了, 用短语 be thirsty for

  整个句子:Sam couldn’t afford the camera that he was thirsty for because it was too expensive.



  句子主干:分成主句从句两部分, 使用对过去的虚拟,主句现在完成时,从句过去完成时.

  If we had taken his advice, we couldn’ have avoided making the mistake like this.

  6.Professional hair-care products indicates that consumers are paying as much attention to their hair as to their skin.




  Professional 专业的 hair-care 头发护理

  As …as 和…一样

  这里pay attention to 有两个宾语,头发和皮肤

  Paying后面一长串就可以翻译成 关注他们的头发和关注他们的皮肤一样多, 答案翻译的很简单,但你别管那么多,两个都是一样的.


  7.Though technically quite advanced today, the Internet is far from being popular with average househould users in some developing countries.


  这里你要学会看出 the Internet不仅是后面句子的主语,还是前面句子的主语,完整的应该是The Internet is technically quite advanced taday.原句是省略了,但你翻的时候要把它翻出来. Technically advanced = advanced in technique 把相同的句子变成你好理解的方式, 翻的时候就方便很多.

  原句:尽管现如今互联网技术十分先进, 但在一些发展中国家互联网在一般的家庭用户中远远没有流行起来.

  8.The doctor will get more practice out of me than out of ten ordinary patients.


  Out of 从…中 out of me 从我身上 out of ten ordinary patients 从是个普通病人身上



  1. 题目中涉及的要求一定要在作文中写到, 漏点就扣分;

  2. 尽量打个草稿, 省的在卷面上乱涂乱改, 保持卷面整洁;

  3. 一个形容词尽量只出现一次, 我在下面的词汇中给你提供了很多替换选择;


  bad 可以替换成 dreadful/unfavorable/poor

  4.句子中要用到下面必备语法中的几种, 当然全部用完最好(至少用到一个定语从句, 一个宾语从句, 一个非谓语, 一个强调句)

  5.格式按总分总三段式来, 第一段两到三行, 并在第一段结尾表明自己的观点, 第二段用好各种连接词, 不仅行文流畅, 而且增字数, 最后一段再次表明自己的观点, 并总结一下, 套一下名人名言


  1. 优势,优点: advantage, merit, superiority

  2. 表明: make clear, indicate, manifest, show

  3. 重视, 欣赏: attach importance to, appreciate, enjoy

  4. 保护, 保存, 维持: conserve, hold, protect, preserve

  5. 职业, 生涯: occupation, profession, career

  6. 程度, 范围: degree, extent, level, range

  7. 丰富的, 充裕的: abundant, ample, affluent

  8. 个人的, 私人的: individual, personal, private

  9. 采用, 利用: adopt, employ, utilize, take advantage of, make use of

  10. 区分, 辨别: distinguish, tell

  11. 进步,提高: improve, develop, enhance

  12. 重要的: significant, considerable, essential, distinctive, vital, substantial

  13. 证明: justify, assert, claim, verify, affirm

  14. 要求: request, demand

  15. 建立: to build up, to establish, to set up, to take root, to found

  16. 消除: to eliminate, to clear, to remove, to take away, to smooth away

  17. 相应的, 相应地: corresponding, relevant, accordingly

  18. 导致: to bring about, to induce, to generate

  19. 后果: consequence, outcome

  20. 积极的,好的: conducive, beneficial, advantageous

  21. 流行的: popular, prevailing, prevalent

  22. 解决: solve, resolve, address, tackle, cope with, deal with

  23. 培养: develop, cultivate, foster, nurture

  24. 认为: think, assert, hold, claim, argue

  25. 有害于: destroy, impair, undermine, threat

  26. 减轻: ease, relieve, lighten

  27. 责任: responsibility, obligation, duty, liability

  28. 努力: struggle for, aspire after, strive for, spare no efforts for

  29. 从事: embark on, take up, set about, go in for

  30. 超出,超越: exceed, outnumber, outweigh

  31. 提倡: advocate, recommend

  32. 描绘, 描述, 描写: describe, picture, depict

  33. 适应: be accustomed to, be adapted to, be adjusted to

  34. 反对: object to, be opposed to

  35. 下结论: arrive at the conclusion, determine to


  1. 被动语态: be done

  例: In addition, severe laws should be made to punish those who defy the regulations.

  2. 系表结构

  例: The implied meaning of the drawing is that the beauty of a country is to be made by the public.

  3. 现在完成时(一定是客观事实)

  例: The government has taken several measures to protect wild animals in this nation.

  4. 非谓语动词(不定式, 现在分词, 过去分词, 动名词)

  例: To conquer the difficulty is indeed to conquer your fear.

  Hearing the cry for help, they all rushed out.

  Considered from this point of view, the question will be of great importance.

  It aids in identifying those who witnessed an emergency or crime.

  5. 强调句式

  例: It is his self-confidence that has brought the sport break-through to Chinese people.

  I do reckon that he is the most suitable one to deliver such a speech in the public.

  6. 倒装句式: There are a great number of reasons accounting for such a problem.

  Only by undergoing it, can people make advances in their career.(只有only引导状语放句首,句子主谓才倒装)

  7. 定语从句

  例: All the relics can function as a symbol of a certain historic period, which enjoy their cultural worth.

  8. 虚拟语气(所述信息与事实相悖; 或者表推测)

  例: Bosses would like to employ those who could bring about profits for the company.


  1. 表达个人看法: personally speaking/ as far as I am concerned/ In my point of view/ in my opinion

  2. 表达反对: be supposed to / be against

  3. 表达赞成: be in favour of / agree with / approve of sth

  4. 两方面的连接词: on one hand & on the other hand; for one thing & for another

  5. 三段式连接词: first of all / also / besides/ what’s more / moreover / in addition / last but not least(最后同等重要的是)


  Every coin has its two sides.

  Where there is a will, there is a way.

  Nothing is impossible.

  No pains, no gains.

  Actions speak louder than words.

  用的时候别忘了前面加一句 Just as the saying goes
