
2020-04-29 09:40:25



  PartⅠ. Listening Comprehension

  Section A: 10 Statements

  Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 statements. Each sentence will be spoken just once. The sentence you hear will not be written out for you. After you hear each sentence, read the four choices in your test paper, marked, A, B, C, and D, and decide which one is closest in meaning to the sentence you heard. Then, on your Answer Sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of answer you have chosen.

  1. A. She should have her ears examined.

  B. She must listen to her teacher.

  C. She didn’t pay attention to her teacher’s opinion.

  D. She always does what the teacher tells her.

  2. A. The plane left at 12:30 A. M.

  B. The plane left at 12:00 noon.

  C. The plane left at 11:30 P. M.

  D. The plane left at 1:00 P. M.

  3. A. Pat went to the party with John.

  B. John was invited to Pat’s party.

  C. John would not go to the party.

  D. Pat did not go to the party.

  4. A. The tour was worth the time but not the money.

  B. The tour was not worth the time or the money.

  C. The tour was worth both the time and the money.

  D. The tour was not worth the time

  5. A. I wrote you a letter.

  B. I called you.

  C. I let her call you.

  D. I went to see you.

  6. A. There was plenty of time to get there.

  B. We needed more time to get there.

  C. We had to get there in time.

  D. We had a good time when we got there.

  7. A. She failed the test.

  B. She needed more time to finish the test.

  C. In spite of her studying she found the test difficult.

  D. She did well on the test because she studied hard.

  8. A. Despite its being rush hour, there was little traffic.

  B. There was not much traffic because it was rush hour.

  C. There was a lot of traffic because it was rush hour.

  D. Rush hour is before dark.

  9. A. Although she has a scholarship, Ellen cannot attend the University.

  B. Ellen cannot get a scholarship until the University accepts her.

  C. Ellen attends the University on a scholarship.

  D. If Ellen gets a scholarship, she can attend the University.

  10. A. We got good seats although we were late.

  B. We did not get good seats because we were late.

  C. We were too late, but we got good seats.

  D. We got good seats because we arrived on time.

  Section B: Conversations

  Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each conversation, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C, and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

  11. A. Finish the work.

  B. Wait until next morning.

  C. Go home.

  D. Have a rest there.

  12. A. The woman has chosen a color.

  B. The woman doesn’t care which color is chosen.

  C. The woman is concerned about the color.

  D. The woman has chosen a different color.

  13. A. At the stationer’s.

  B. In the department store.

  C. At the bank.

  D. In the classroom.

  14. A. After the woman.

  B. Ahead of the woman.

  C. At the same time as the woman.

  D. Later than the woman.

  15. A. She is easy-going.

  B. She is an ill-natured person.

  C. She looks mean, but deep down she is kind.

  D. She is strict with her students.

  16. A. The man himself.

  B. The man’s mother.

  C. The cleaner.

  D. The woman.

  17. A. $20.58.

  B. $58.00.

  C. $78.58.

  D. $100.58.

  18. A. At the restaurant.

  B. At the man’s clothes store.

  C. In the cinema.

  D. In a supermarket.

  19. A. Interviewer and interviewee.

  B. Manger and clerk.

  C. Shop-girl and consumer.

  D. Landlady and tenant.

  20. A. One hour.

  B. An hour and a half.

  C. Half an hour.

  D. Three quarters.

  Section C: Spot Dictation

  Directions: In this part, you will hear a passage three times. The passage is printed on your test paper with 10 blanks. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing words you have just heard.

  More and more people today are realizing the importance of 21 physical exercise.

  There are many different forms of exercise to 22 different tastes. For example, those who enjoy 23 sports may take up ball games. If they 24 exercise alone, they can have a run or take a walk in the morning or in the evening. 25 , people can go swimming in the summer and go skating in the winter. 26 , no matter what their interests are, people can always find one or more sports that are, people can always find one or more sports that are suitable to them.

  However, the 27 of physical exercise must be chosen carefully. More harm than good will 28 if people choose the wrong form of exercise. For the aged, Qigong or Tai ji Boxing will suit them better than competitive sports. Those who have little spare time may have a regular run in the morning. Only if the kind of exercise is chosen 29 and performed regularly, will it 30 their health, work and study.

  Part Ⅱ. Reading Comprehension

  Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the first three passages is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice. Answer the questions on the fourth passage.

  Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.

  People are making more and more demands on the world’s natural resources. If babies born in 1991 live for 80 years, the human population of the world may be anything from twice to three times the present total by 2070. In other words, they will have to share what is left of the earth’s resources with between 10 and 15 billion other people. But hopefully there will be a significant decrease in the growth of population. What if this does not happen? The answer is that by the time before the babies born in 1991 reach the age of 40 they could be sharing resources with as many as 10 billion other people.

  Limiting the pollution of water and the atmosphere, controlling the output of the chemicals that may be causing global warming the climate change, and eating less meat may go some way to help, but can anyone seriously imagine that these are going to solve the problems of the “baby class”of ’ 91?

  There is no getting away from the fact that people are responsible for the present state of the world, and only people can solve the problems. The decisions have to be taken by people as members of national and local governments; as leaders and decision-makers in industry; as scientists and technologists; as professional engineers and designers; as religious leaders and as individual citizens.

  31. Which of the following can be the title for this passage?

  A. Making More Demands on the Natural Resources.

  B. Limiting the Pollution of Air and Water.

  C. Reducing the World Population.

  D. Saving the Babies of ’91?

  32. What is meant by “the problems of the ‘baby class’ of ’91”?

  A. A large number of babies will be born after 1991.

  B. Babies born in 1991 won’t live a long life.

  C. The children of 1991 are not given good education.

  D. The world will be over populated in 40 years.

  33. This short passage is probably taken from() .

  A. a news report

  B. a science fiction

  C. an article by a medical worker

  D. a government report

  34. It is implied in the second paragraph that ().

  A. limiting the pollution is of the great importance

  B. not all the people know how to save our planet

  C. our planet is becoming warmer because of the pollution

  D. we should eat less so that more people can be fed

  35. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the last paragraph as people responsible for the present state of the world?

  A. Officials

  B. Industrialists.

  C. Businessmen.

  D. Scientists.

  Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.

  Accidents are the major cause of death for all young people under 35. They are the fourth most frequent cause of death for all age groups in the U. S. —fourth only to heart disease, cancer and stroke. Each year thousands of Americans lost their lives in accidents, and thousands are permanently crippled.

  By far the most common types of home accidents are falls. Each year over ten thousand Americans meet death in this way, within the four walls of their home, or in yards around their house. Nine out of ten of the victims are over 65. But people of all ages experience serious injuries as a result of home falls. It is impossible to guess how many injuries result from falls, but they must run into millions.

  Falls can be a problem for all ages. In the process of growing up, children or teenagers often will fall. Fortunately their bodies are springy, so they may suffer only skinned knees, bumps and bruises. But in an older person, the same fall may cause a broken arm, leg, and hip or other injury that requires hospitalization or medical care. As a person grows older, he may not fall any more often, but the result usually are more serious and may even be fatal.

  Preschool children are often killed by falls from open windows and porches. Their normal curiosity and the urge to climb lead them to dangerous heights. Therefore, it is a parent’s duty to keep small children away from stairways, open windows and porch railing. Gates, bars, and other means of protection should be used whenever possible.

  Adults fall because they don’t look where they are going. Running or taking two steps at a time invites falls. In trying to save an extra trip up the stairs by loading his arms with bundles or boxes that keep him from seeing where he is going, an adult may find it safer to make an extra trip.

  36. The most common type of home accidents is() .

  A. choking

  B. falling

  C. drowning

  D. burning

  37. In this passage the author states that ().

  A. seat belts save lives

  B. most accidents are avoidable

  C. heart disease is the greatest killer of Americans

  D. the death rate from work-related injuries is increasing

  38. Most victims of falls are at least 65 years of age because ().

  A. old people fall more often than younger people

  B. bones become stiff and brittle with age

  C. elderly people take unnecessary risks

  D. old people don’t look where they are going as a result of poor eyesight

  39. Adults are injured in falls as a result of() .

  A. boldness(勇敢)

  B. dizziness(晕眩)

  C. carelessness

  D. weakness

  40. From the page we may conclude that() .

  A. as a cause of death in America, accidents rank first

  B. the risk of accidents increases with a person’s age

  C. the head is injured more than any other part of the body

  D. most people do not realize how serious falls can be

  Questions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.

  Each year millions of people suffer from the effect of alcohol and drug abuse, getting into illness, crime and death.

  In the United States alone, 10 to 12 million men and women and their loved ones and families suffer from alcohol. Additional millions abuse alcohol at great cost in health and in lost productivity.

  In Canada, it is said, “Alcohol increases business—for hospitals, ambulance drivers, doctors, and nurses.”

  Alcohol abuse and dangerous drugs have swept through Europe. Soviet culture, too, is paying enormous social and economic costs.

  Developing nations are bothered by drup problems—both ancient and modern. In this part of the world hundreds of millions request doctor to ease their miseries and problems in life.

  These methods of coping are unhealthy solutions! It is time we understood why and found the way out of today’s greatest social problem surrounding this supposedly advanced 20th century.

  41. This passage is primarily about ().

  A. the worldwide drug and alcohol abuse

  B. the greatest social problem in Europe

  C. the methods of coping with alcohol abuse

  D. the enormous cost in health and in lost productivity

  42. How many people in the United States have suffered form alcohol abuse?

  A. About 5%~6% of the whole population.

  B. About one fourth of the population.

  C. 10 to 12 million people and their families.

  D. Hundreds of millions.

  43. Which of the following Statements is NOT true?

  A. Alcohol and drug abuse is becoming a burning question.

  B. The author suggests that the public cope with alcohol and drug abuse.

  C. The alcohol abuse has damaged health.

  D. Addicting agents come into being to treat the addicts.

  44. The author strongly implies that the public should() .

  A. reveal the relationship of heavy drinking and illness

  B. help drug users to ease their miseries

  C. take measures to improve alcohol business

  D. seek for proper solutions to drug problems in time

  45. According to the author, the drug abuse problem in Soviet Union() .

  A. is costing more money than in Europe

  B. cannot be solved because it cost too much money

  C. becomes a threat to society

  D. is also severe


  Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage. Complete each of the sentences with less than 10 words.

  I have been studying optimists(乐观主义者)and pessimists(悲观主义者)for the past 25 years. The defining characteristic of pessimists is that they tend to believe bad events will last a long time, will undermine everything they do, and are their own fault. The optimists, who are confronted with the same hard knocks of this world, think about misfortune in the opposite way. They tend to believe defeat is just a temporary setback, that its causes are confined to this case. The optimists believe defeat is not fault; circumstances, bad luck, or other people brought it about. Such people are not bothered by defeat. Confronted by a bad situation, they perceive it as a challenge and try harder.

  These two habits about thinking about causes have consequences. Literally hundreds of studies show that pessimists give up more easily and get depressed more often. These experiments also show that optimists do much better in school and at work. They regularly exceed the predictions of aptitude tests. When optimists run for office, they are more apt to be elected than pessimists are. Their health is unusually good. Evidence suggests they may even live longer.

  Twenty-five years of study has convinced me that if we habitually believe, as does the pessimist, that misfortune is our fault, is enduring, and will undermine everything we do, more of it will happen to us if we believe otherwise. I am also convinced that if we are in the grip of this view, we will even get physically sick more often. Pessimistic prophecies(预言)are self-fulfilling.


  46. What has the author been doing in the past 25 years?

  47. What is the striking characteristic of the pessimist?

  48. What is typical of the optimist?

  49. The consequence of the pessimist doing is that .

  50. So, we can come to the conclusion that .

  PartⅢ Vocabulary and Structure

  Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D). Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

  51. It won’t be long we know each other well.

  A) after B) until

  C) when D) before

  52. The shy girl felt and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teacher’s questions.

  A) awkward B) amazed

  C) curious D) amused

  53. No sooner had he sat down to lunch there was a knock at the door.

  A) when B) that

  C) as D) than

  54. She is studying medical science now, but she a lawyer.

  A) would be B) used to be

  C) formerly were D) had been

  55. the whole, it was a successful evening.

  A) On B) At

  C) From D) In

  56. The computer of this kind is handling with all kinds of information.

  A) capable to B) able to

  C) capable of D) able of

  57. Please sit down and make yourself .

  A) in the room B) at home

  C) fine D) easy

  58. I’d just as soon rudely to her.

  A) that you won’t speak B) you not speak

  C) you didn’t speak D) your not speaking

  59. He didn’t thank me for the present. That is annoyed me.

  A) which B) how it

  C) what it D) what

  60. The climate in the mountain area has seriously his health. That is, the climate in the mountain area has a serious upon his health.

  A) effected, affect B) affected, effect

  C) affected, affect D) affected, effect

  61. This brand of products is to that in quality.

  A) senior B) junior

  C) superior D) better

  62. One must try his best to to the new environment.

  A) adapt B) apt

  C) adopt D) adept

  63. , he is not capable of teaching.

  A) A teacher as he is B) As a teacher he is

  C) As a teacher D) Teacher as he is

  64. If it tomorrow, we won’t go for a picnic.

  A) will rain B) should rain

  C) rains D) rained

  65. We knew she wasn’t English she began to speak.

  A) once B) until

  C) the moment D) as

  66. We were struck by the extent which teachers’ decisions served the interest of the school rather than those of the students.

  A) to B) for C) in D) with

  67. It is desirable that he.

  A) gives up trying B) give up trying

  C) would give up D) is going to give up trying

  68. It was he had made such great contributions to the world peace that he won the Nobel Prize for Peace.

  A) that B) because C) since D) for

  69. The mere fact most people believe nuclear war would be madness does not mean that it will not occur.

  A) what B) which C) that D) why

  70. from space, our earth, with water covering 70% of its surface, appears as a “blue planet”.

  A) Seeing B) To be seen C) Seen D) Having seen

  71. Mr. Johnson preferred heavier work to do.

  A) to be given B) to be giving

  C) to have given D) having given

  72. This year’s total output value of industry and agriculture will increase 5 percent over last year.

  A) to B) of C) with D) by

  73. The government has got a deficit(赤字)of 20 billion dollars.

  A) economical B) economic

  C) monetary D) financial

  74. I very successful in my work so far.

  A) haven’t been B) hadn’t been

  C) wasn’t D) am not

  75. I’d like to a special seat for the concert of May 3.

  A) deserve B) reserve

  C) preserve D) conserve

  76. We must that our customs and habits are different from theirs.

  A) take into account B) bring forward

  C) keep in mind D) come true

  77. She be Canadian because she’s got a British passport.

  A) mustn’t B) has not to

  C) can’t D) needn’t

  78. I was able at last to my friend to take my advice.

  A) persist B) persuade

  C) dissuade D) convince

  79. A man of words and not of deeds is a garden full of weeds.

  A) as B) with C) to D) like

  80. George doesn’t trust anyone. He won’t lend you any money you promise in writing to pay him back.

  A) unless B) in case C) as long as D) until

  Part Ⅳ. cloze

  Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passage.

  Smoking, which may be a pleasure for some people, is a serious source of discomfort for their fellows.

  81 medical authorities express their 82 about the effect of smoking 83 the health not only 84 those who smoke but also of those who do not. In fact, 85 who must unintentionally(无意地)breathe the air polluted by tobacco smoke may 86 more than the smokers themselves. As you are 87 , a large number of our students have 88 in an effort to 89 the university to ban (禁止)smoking in the classrooms. I believe they are completely right 90 their aim. 91 , I would hope that it is 92 to achieve this by 93 the smokers to use good judgment and show concern 94 others rather than by regulation.

  Smoking is 95 by laws in theaters and in halls used for 96 films as well as in laboratories where there 97 be a fire hazard(危险). Elsewhere, it is up to your good sense. I am 98 asking you to maintain 99 in the auditoriums(礼堂),classrooms and seminar rooms. This will prove that you have the non-smokers’ health and well being 100 , which is very important to a large number of our students.

  81. A. Still B. More C. But D. Further

  82. A. concern B. doubt C. interest D. pleasure

  83. A. on B. in C. with D. to

  84. A. to B. about C. with D. of

  85. A. non-smokers B. smokers C. people D. students

  86. A. endure B. suffer C. suffer from D. tolerate

  87. A. realize B. awake C. aware D. informed

  88. A. linked B. connected C. associated D. joined

  89. A. make B. persuade C. cause D. tell

  90. A. to B. of C. in D. for

  91. A. But then B. However C. Further D. Moreover

  92. A. likely B. probable C. capable D. possible

  93. A. pleading B. begging C. insisting D. calling on

  94. A. with B. for C. to D. in

  95. A. prohibited B. stopped C. pressed D. prevented

  96. A. playing B. demonstrating C. showing D. exhibiting

  97. A. will B. should C. may D. must

  98. A. reluctantly B. therefore C. finally D. so

  99. A. “No Smoking” B. “Non Smoking” C. “Not Smoke” D. Non smoke

  100. A. by heart B. from your heart C. in mind D. on your mind

  Part Ⅴ. Writing

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic “Hobbies”. You must base your composition on the following instructions ( given in English).

  1. Hobbies are activities in which one participates strictly for amusement.

  2. Some people collect things as a hobby.

  3. My hobby is


  Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension Script:

  Key to Section A (Statements)

  (C) 1. She should have listened to her teacher’s advice.

  (A) 2. Their flight was scheduled to depart at noon, but the plane was delayed for half an hour.

  (D) 3. Pat refused to accept John’s invitation to the party.

  (B) 4. The tour was worth neither the time nor the money.

  (B) 5. I was going to write you a letter, but I decide to call you instead.

  (A) 6. We had more than enough time to get there.

  (C) 7. Although Mary studied hard for the test, there were a lot of questions she couldn’t answer.

  (A) 8. The traffic was very light even though it was rush hour.

  (D) 9. Ellen can’t go to the University unless she gets a scholarship.

  (B)10. If we had arrived on time, we would have gotten good seats.

  (A)11. M: I’m so tired I think I’ll go home now.

  W: I have to stay up until I finish the work.

  Q: What will the woman do?

  (B)12. M: Which color would you choose?

  W: It makes no difference to me.

  Q: What do we learn from this talk?

  (C)13. M: I’d like to cash a check. May I borrow your pen?

  W: Sure. Don’t you have an account here?

  Q: Where does the conversation take place?

  (B)14. M: Hi! I hope I haven’t kept you waiting long.

  W: Listen, I just got here myself.

  Q: When did the man arrive?

  (D)15. M: I’m always nervous when I’m around the teacher.

  W: Me, too. I believe she is too hard on us.

  Q: How do the students think of their teacher?

  (B)16. W: Do you do your own laundry?

  M: No, my mother does my shirts; and I take my suits to the cleaner’s.

  Q: who washes the man’s shirts?

  (C)17. M: How much did the trousers you’re wearing cost?

  W: Well, the material cost me $58.00 and the tailor charged me with $20.58.

  Q: How much is all together?

  (A)18. M: This menu is huge. I’m starving. What looks good to you?

  W: Don’t bother. Everything sounds good to me.

  Q: Where does the conversation take place?

  (D)19. M: Yes? Can I help you?

  W: Yes. Do you still have that apartment for rent?

  Q: What’s the probable relationship between the two?

  (C)20. M: If we hurry we can take the subway and save am hour, can’t we?

  W: Yes, the subway takes only half an hour to get there.

  Q: How long does it take to get there by the subway?

  Section C (Spot Dictation)

  21. regular 22. suit 23. competitive 24. prefer to 25. Besides

  26. In short 27. form 28. result 29. properly 30. benefit

  Part Ⅱ. Reading Comprehension

  31. C 32. D 33. A 34. B 35. C 36. B 37. C 38. B 39. C

  40. D 41. A 42. C 43. D 44. D 45. D

  46. Studying the optimists and the pessimists.

  47. Misfortunes are their own fault and will last long.

  48. Defeat is a temporary setback, which they’ll challenge.

  49. they give up more easily and get depressed more often.

  50. trying to be optimistic is good to our study, work and health

  Part Ⅲ. Vocabulary and structure

  51. D 52. A 53. D 54. B 55. A 56. C 57. B 58. C 59. D

  60. B 61. C 62. A 63. D 64. C 65. C 66. A 67. B 68. B

  69. C 70. C 71. A 72. D 73. D 74. A 75. B 76. C 77. C

  78. B 79. D 80. A

  Part Ⅳ: Close

  81. D 82. A 83. A 84. D 85. A 86. B 87. C 88. D 89. B

  90. C 91. B 92. D 93. D 94. B 95. A 96. C 97. C 98. B

  99. A 100. C

  PartⅤ: Writing


  Hobbies are activities in which one participates strictly for amusement. A hobby can be almost anything. Music is most popular. Many people play musical instruments. They play simply for fun in their free hours. Sports provide other favorite hobbies. Bicycling, skating, tennis and countless other sports are enjoyed by millions of people.

  Some people collect things as a hobby. Stamps, coins, and paintings are all popular collections, and valuable, too. There are still hundreds of others, not necessarily valuable but still interesting, such as seashell collections, bottle collections, and so on. Gardening and cooking are two examples of common activities that become hobbies for many people. They devote a great deal of their spare time to them.

  My hobby is playing guitar. I have been playing it since my first year in collage. I like to sing along when I play, too. My friends tell me that I am very good at it, but I don’t know whether it is true. To me it is just an enjoyable hobby.
