
2022-05-27 17:17:16

      1. 难怪他们遇到那么大的麻烦。

  误:No wonder did they have so much trouble.

  正:No wonder (that) they had so much trouble.

  析:no wonder 后接 that 从句时(=难怪,并不奇怪),其后的句子不用倒装。又如:No wonder (that) she didn’t like it. 难怪她不喜欢这东西。

  ​注:该结构为 It’s no wonder that...之省略,其中的 no 也可用 little, small 等代之,如:​

  ​Small wonder that he was so tired. 难怪他那么累。

  ​It’s no wonder you can’t sleep when you eat so much. 你吃得太饱,自然睡不着。


  误:A lot of men died who could be saved.

  正:A lot of men died who could have been saved.

  析:对过去情况进行推测,要在情态动词后接完成式,而不能接一般式。有时含有责备或后悔之意。又如:You could/might have made greater progress. 你的进步本来可以更大一些的。

  3. 你最好带些钱,以防万一。

  误:You’d better carry some money for case.

  正:You’d better carry some money in case.

  析:in case 通常用作连词,用以引导状语从句,但有时也可单独使用,起副词作用,意为“以防万一”,不过这种用法常可与其连词用法转换,如上面一句也可说成 You’d better carry some money in case you need it.

  ​注意:for case不合英语表达习惯。

  4. 你最好不要让老板逮住你上班睡觉。

  误:You’d better not let the boss catch you to sleep at work.

  正:You’d better not let the boss catch you sleeping at work.

  析:表示意外地碰上某人在做某事,用 catch sb doing sth。

  5. 这部照相机不够好,我想换一部。

  误:The camera isn’t good enough; I want to change another.

  正:The camera isn’t good enough; I want to change it (for another).

  析:这里说的“换一部”,其实是指用一部照相机去换另一部照相机,所以用 change sth for sth else 这一句型。又如:You had better change that shirt for a large one. 你最好把那件衬衣去换件大号的。

  6. 我们写信祝贺她当选为劳模。

  误:We wrote to congratulate her to be chosen as a modern worker.

  正:We wrote to congratulate her on being chosen as a modern worker.

  析:congratulate(祝贺)不接不定式的复合结构作宾语。记住常用句型 congratulate sb on /upon (doing) sth。

  7. 据说新铁路正在修建当中。

  误:It’s said that the new railway is under the construction.

  正:It’s said that the new railway is under construction.

  析:under construction 是习语,意为“在建设中”“在兴建中”,其中不用冠词。

  ​类似地还有:under discussion 在讨论中 / under fire 在炮火中 / under examination 在检查(调查)中 / under consideration 在考虑中 / under repair 在修理中 / under medical treatment 在治疗中 / under attack 受到袭击 / under study 在研究中 / under review 在检查中。

  8. 我怎样与你联系?

  误:How can contact with you?

  正:How can contact you?

  析:contact 是及物动词,其意为“与……联系”,不要按汉语意思在其后误加介词 with。注:contact的宾语除了是人外,也可以是地点,如:I just contacted his office direct. 我直接跟他办公室联系了。

  9. 如果你感到方便的话,我就来。

  误:I’ll come if you are convenient.

  正:I’ll come if it is convenient for/to you.

  析:convenient 的实际意思是“使人感到方便的”, 而不是“感觉到方便的”,所以不要按汉语意思将 be convenient的主语用“人”充当。比较:

  Railway is convenient. 铁路方便。

  Traveling is convenient for people, where there are railways. 哪里有铁路,哪里的人旅行就方便。

  10. 这座教堂是六世纪建的。

  误:The church was dated back to/dated from 1176.

  正:The church dates back to/dates from 1176.

  析:date back to 或 date from 两者意义相同,均指“自某时起存在至今”(=have existed since),两者均不能用于被动语态。

  ​顺使说一句,这类句子通常用一般现在时,而不用一般过去时,除非所谈论的主体现在已不复存在。如:The church, which dated back to the 13th century, was destroyed in an earthquake two years ago.(那座教堂是13世纪建成的,两年前在一次地震中被毁了)。