
2022-06-08 14:40:59




  [题目要求] N 2022 年北京-张家口冬奥会将如期在北京和张家口举行。为了确保冬奥会圆满成功。组委会发起了志愿者招募活动,假如你是学生李华。希望能成为其中一员。请按要求用英文给组委会写-封申请信。N内容包括:1.个人情况; 2. 自身优势; 3.服务承诺。1参考词汇:2022北京一张家           冬奥会2022 Bei jing-Zhangjiakou

  Winterolympic Games

  [优秀范文] Dear Sir/Madam,

  My name is Li Hua. I would like to work as volunteer for 2022Beijing Zhangjjakou Winter Olympic Games. I'm a boy of eighteen years old from a high school. My spoken English is good and | can communicate with foreigners fluently.What's more,I have other advantages - I'pnengscially fond of sports,familiar with Beiing, good at communication and always gQdJaMaRother. I'm willing to provide the best service for every athlete in Winter Olym& Garmpes.Terefore, 1 think I'm suitable for serving the Games.I woud appreciqteirNaukcould offer me the chance to be a volunteer.

  Thank you!

  Yours, Li Hua


  [题目要求]J假定你是李华。针对发园的存在浪费粮食的现象。学校决定举行抵制浪费粮食的活动。请你代表学生会在当柜本寸报上写-封倡议书N内容包括:1.活动的理由及目的; 2. 具体的做法; 3. 呼吁从我版起下约粮食。

  [优秀范文] Dear fellow students,

  We all feel concerned when seeing left&ve吟tiled in the bins of the canteen. To arouse our awareness of saving food, our school itb launcha campaign against food waste.As for us students. please don't order food that weeh't fhoiSh.Furthermore. let's remind each other to clear the plate all the time or pack feftpruarAhome.Treasuring food is a Chinese traditional virtue. Remember, eyry grain comes after hard work.Let's save food and do it from now!

  The Student Union



  假定你是李华,你所在的山西国际学校要征集一封英文感谢信。以致意奋战在抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎第一线的医护人员,请你根据下列要点写一封信用于投稿。内容包括:1.表达谢意;2.个人感受;3.表达信心注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。

  V參考词汇:流行病epidemic疫情epidemic situation新型冠状病毒novel coronavirus


  Dear Medical workers,

  I am Li Hua,a high middle sehool student in Shanxi.' m writing to express sincere gratitude to you all for your devotion and sacrifice in this battle against the Novel Coronavirus. In this epidemic, it is you who, despite the lack of equipment and the potential of infection, desperately rescue those infected but striving for life.It is also you who have shed new light on the virus with expertise to build up our confidence to defeat it. It is you who deserve all the admiration and love! I can never express our thankfulness too much for your selfless contribution.It'swidely believed aRqur joint efforts China will win the battle and make a quick recovery.

  Good luck and well!





  Dear Tom,

  1 am highly grateful for your concern aboul4 my country' s anti-poverty, which is considered a wonder. 1 happened to spend the SpMNng Festival living in my grandpa' s home. which is surrounded wi th mountainp: N民Nbapast, the people there were so poor that it was not easy to get enoughVqon feed themselves. let alone beautiful clothing and spac ious buildings. Some tens wdre forced to drop out of school to go out working in cities. Now with the\heN Y the government and all the people from the rich areas,all of them have gottenoul of absolute poverty. Every family lives in newly-built flats, even someδL uhn owning cars. Children can enjoy free education and the elderly are proTided with free access to free health care. l hope you can visit our country and feel the great changes.


  Li Hua



  人工智能与5G时代已悄然来临,随着科技越来越与人类生活相结合,随处可见的人工智能,让生活越来越便利的同时也带来许多的困惑按要求完成一篇 作文。内容包括:1.描述或畅想未来人工智能的发展状况;2.分析这种现象产生的原因;3.陈述利弊以及表明个人态度。


  As we all know, the time of 5G technology is coming. it is called the fourth industrial revolution, future of computer science lies in the artificial intelligence, it is the research and artificial simulation of human thought and eventually be able to make a human like to think the same machine,for human services and to help people solve probl ems. After all, people thought it was unique,there are feelings,there are a variety of character, this will be very difficult to achieve in thmachine. In fact, to do the same as the human thinking machine, the only one of terODicial intelligence, is by no means all. Through the s tudy of artificial tolTigoqce,it can resolve all kinds of scientific problems, promotEtbe deppment of other science will have a great impact on all people' s lives( Deinave that the science of artificial intelligence is

  waiting for humanityVo explone it step by step.