
2022-09-23 10:57:16


  1、—Hello, ____ Kate?

  —Yes, speaking.

  A. is this

  B. is that

  C. are you

  D. is it

  2、By the time I got home, my mother ____ to bed.

  A. went

  B. was getting

  C. had gone

  D. has gone

  3、____ everything ____ ,it was not a bad holiday.

  A. brining--into effects

  B. learning--by heart

  C. petting--into practice

  D. taking--into account

  4、When waiting at a bus stop for a long time, most people often look ____ and asleep.

  A. bored

  B. surprised

  C. excited

  D. amused

  5、____ the effective method , I answered all the questions correctly.

  A. Thanks to

  B. In case of

  C. As well as

  D.Apart from

  6、If you are like most people , your intelligence ____ from season to season.

  A. turns

  B. change

  C. varies

  D. ranges

  7、No cream hot me, thanks. I am ____ a diet.

  A. in

  B. on

  C. from

  D. off

  8、____ really worries George is that his parents expect too much of him.

  A. What

  B. This

  C. Whichever

  D. It

  9、Mary loves Jazz, and she has played ____ for years.

  A. piano

  B. a piano

  C. one piano

  D. the piano

  10、Ted made up has mind soon and accepted the invitation ____ .

  A. without hesitation

  B. without doubt

  C.without understanding

  D. without exception


  1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.A

  6.C 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.A