
2023-03-22 10:02:43



  back and forth 反复来回

  They discussed it back and forth, without getting very far. 他们反复来回地讨论它,没有多大进展。

  back up 支持,后退

  You'll have to back up and turn around.你得后退再转过来。

  bear...in mind 将……记在心中

  I will bear your advice firmly in mind.我将牢记你的忠告。

  because of 因为,由于

  I was late because of the rain.由于下雨,我迟到了。

  before long 不久,很快

  The book will be published before long.这本书不久就要出版。

  behave oneself 表现得体

  A person who behaves himself is respected.表现得体的人受到广泛尊重。

  beyond comprehension 无法理解

  His behavior was completely beyond comprehension.他的行为令人完全无法理解。

  beyond description 难以言表,无法形容

  The beauty of this park is beyond description.这个公园的美无法形容。

  beyond one's grasp/power 力所不及

  These things are beyond our grasp/power to control.这些情况是我们力所不及的。

  beyond one’s reach 够不着

  The book was beyond my reach.我够不着那本书。

  break away 逃脱,脱离

  Two policemen were holding him, but he managed to break away. 两个警察抓住了他,但他设法逃脱了。

  break down 打倒,失败,出故障

  The generator broke down.发电机出故障了。

  break in 破门而入,打断

  Thieves broke in last night and stole some money.昨晚小偷闯了进来,而且偷走了一些钱。

  break off 中断,突然终止

  He has broken off all relations with her.他已断绝了与她的一切关系。

  break out 爆发,突然开始

  Fire broke out in the neighborhood last night.昨晚附近突然发生了火灾。

  break through 突破,取得突破

  Scientists are beginning to break through in the area. 科学家们在那方面开始有所突破。

  break up 打散,破裂,结束

  Their marriage broke up.他们的婚姻破裂了。

  bring about 导致,引起

  This may bring about a revolution in industry.这可能会导致一场工业上的巨变。

  bring back 带回,恢复,使想起

  The photographs brought back many pleasant memories. 那些照片带来很多令人愉快的回忆。

  bring down 降低,减少

  The government is determined to bring down inflation.政府决心降低通货膨胀

  bring forth 生产,产出

  Trees can bring forth fruits.树木能结出果实。

  bring forward 提议,将(······的日期或时间)提前

  The meeting has been brought forward from 10 May to 3 May. 会议已由5月10号提前到了5月3号。

  bring in 吸引,引入,赚得

  We need to bring in more new business.我们需要吸引更多的新业务。

  bring out 使显出,出版

  Your graduation essay fully brings out your writing ability. 你的毕业论文充分显示出你的写作才能。

  bring up 教养,提出(讨论等)

  We were brought up to respect the old.我们从小就被教导要尊敬老人。

  burn out 烧尽,熄灭

  The fire had burnt out before the fire brigade arrived.在消防队赶到以前,火已熄灭了。

  burn up 被烧毁,发烧

  The spacecraft burned up as it entered the earth's atmosphere. 宇宙飞船进入地球大气层时被烧毁了。

  by accident 偶然,意外地

  Columbus discovered America by accident.哥伦布偶然发现了美洲。

  by all means 可以,当然行,没问题

  “May I have a look?”“By all means.”“我可以看一眼吗?”“当然可以。”

  by and by 不久,很快

  The pain will go away by and by.疼痛不久就会消失的。

  by chance 偶然,碰巧

  He came here quite by chance.他来这儿完全出于偶然。

  by far ······得多,大大地

  This is by far the better of the two.二者之中,这个好得多。

  by heart 单凭记忆,能背诵

  I've dialed the number so many times that I know it by heart. 这个号码我拨了很多次,以至于我都记住了。

  by means of 借助······手段,依靠······方法

  He dismantled the machine by means of a screwdriver.他用一把螺丝刀拆开了这个机器。

  by mistake 错误地,无意中

  I took your bag by mistake.我错拿了你的手提包。

  by nature 生性,天生

  She is very sensitive by nature.她生性很敏感。

  by no means 决不,一点也不

  She is by no means an inexperienced teacher.她决不是个毫无经验的教师。

  by the way 顺便提一下

  By the way,I found that book you lost,顺便提一下,我找到了你丢的那本书。
