
2023-10-17 09:12:32





  或表示若干个体组成的集合体.如:family, people, committee, police.

  不可数名词表示无法分为个体的实物.如:air, tea, furniture, water.

  或表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念.如:work, information, advice, happiness. 有些名词在一种场合下是可数名词,在另一种场合下是不可数名词.

  如:room 房间(可数),空间(不可数) time 时间(不可数),次数(可数) fish 鱼(不可数),各种各样的鱼(可数)

  比较下列例句:There are nine rooms in the house. (房间,可数名词)

  There isn’t enough room for us three in the car . (空间,不可数名词)


  如:一块肉 a piece of meat

  两条长面包 two loaves of bread

  三件家具 three articles of furniture

  一大笔钱 a large sum of money



  1.一般情况下在名词后加-s.如:girls, books.★浊辅音、元音结尾,s 发[z]

  2.以 s, x , ch, sh 结尾的词在名词后加-es.如:glasses, boxes, matches, bushes.★ 以 s, x , ch, sh 结尾,es 发[iz]

  3.“辅音字母+y”结尾的词,变 y 为 i 再加-es.如:city-cities,country-countries.

  4.以 o 结尾的词多数加-es.如:heroes,tomatoes, potatoes,radios,zoos, photos, pianos, kilos 例外.

  5.f,fe 结尾的词,多数变 f,fe 为v 再加-es.如:thief-thieves,leaf-leaves,half-halves,life-lives,wife-wives,knife-knives.


  如:man-men, woman-women, foot-feet, tooth-teeth, child-children, mouse-mice.

  ★可数名词复数一般情况下考不规则复数形式. 个别名词的单数和复数的形式是一样的. 如 Chinese, Japanese, sheep, deer.


  名词的所有格表示所属关系, 起形容词的作用.当名词表示有生命的东西时,所有格一般是在词尾加 s .

  如:Jeans room, my daughter-in-laws friends, my daughters-in-laws friends, children books. 如果名词已经有了复数词尾 s, 则只需加.如:the teachers’ books, my parents’ car. 时间名词的所有格在后面加 s ,复数加 .如:today’s newspaper, five minutes walk.


  如:the top of the world, the cover of the book, China’s capital.

  加 s 或 的名词所有格可以表示店铺或某人的家. 如:the grocers, the tailors, the Smiths.


  名词表示没有生命的东西时,不能直接在其后加 s.

  时间名词所有格在其后加 s,或复数名词后直接加.


  1.表示“一”的含义. Give me a pen please.We go shopping twice a week.

  2.泛指某个人或东西.Yesterday we visited an English secondary school.

  She picked up a magazine and began to read.

  3.表示一类人或东西. He works as a language teacher in that university.

  As a writer,he is successful.

  Even a child can answer this question.




  Give me the magazine。

  Have you decided on the prices yet? The book on the table is an English dictionary.

  Beijing is the capital of China.


  Last week,I saw a film. The film is about a love story between two middle-aged people.

  The old man saw a house in the field. He went into the house and found a beautiful girl sitting there and singing.


  the poor 穷人 the rich 富人

  the wounded 受伤的人

  the sick 生病的人

  the beautiful 美丽的事物

  the old 老年人 the young 年青人


  the moon, the sun, the earth

  The moon moves around the earth.

  We have friends all over the world.

  Don’t build castles in the air.

  5.用于序数词、方位名词、形容词与副词的级前面,副词级前面的 the 可以省略。

  January is the first month of the year.

  The sun rises in the east.

  Japan lies to the east of China.

  Beijing lies in the north of China.

  Ireland lies on the Great Britain.

  At the Children’s Palace,some children learn to play the piano,others learn to play the violin.

  Last week we went to the theatre.

  Among the three girls she speaks English the best. “东、南、西、北”作副词时,前面不加冠词:We are walking south.


  Monday is my busiest day.


  The Lius have moved to Guangzhou.

  The Simths came to China for visit in 1996.

  7.不可数名词前面通常不加定冠词,但若有限制性定语修饰,或表示特定部分、特定内容时, 前面需加定冠词。

  Drink some water. Is the water in the well fit for drink?

  What do you think of the music? He cant take the advice his mother gives him.