
2023-10-17 15:22:16

  1. on 的基本用法

  ①在...上面(两者接触),表地点 如:

  There is a map on the wall.

  墙上有一张地图。They put their bags on the table.他们把包放在桌子上。That book on the desk is a storybook.桌上的那本书是本故事书。She threw cold water on her face.她将冷水泼在她脸上。

  ②在... 某天 (特定时间段) 如:

  He came on Sunday.

  他是星期天来的。I often get up late on Sunday morning. 我周日早晨常起床很晚。He wasborn on the evening of May 1st.他出生在在五月一日的晚上.He returned on a cold morning.他在一个寒冷的早晨回来了。

  2. on的引申用法


  They were on watch this time of yesterday.

  昨天这个时候他们在值班。He's away on business. 他出差去了。I’m on duty today. 今天我值日.


  He will give a lecture on their school life.

  他会作关于他们的学校生活的讲座。Have you any idea on the subject?关于这个题目你有什么想法?He will give us a talk on American history.他将给我们做一个关于美国历史的报告。


  The post office is on the right.

  邮局在右边。The town stands on the left bank of the river.该镇坐落在河的左岸。


  Have you got any money on you?你带钱了没有?


  On arriving home I discovered they had gone.

  我一到家就发现他们已经离开了。There was a letter waiting for him on his return.他一回来就有一封信在等着他看。On hearing the news, she burst into tears.她一听到这消息就痛哭流涕。


  On their advice I applied for the job.

  我听从他们的建议申请了这份工作。They made their own judgment on his report.他们凭他的报告作出自己的判断。The instrument is designed on a new theory.那件仪器是根据一项新原理设计的。

  3. on作副词

  ① 用在动词后, 表示动作的持续

  He worked on without a break.

  他毫不停歇地继续工作。If you like a good story, read on.欲知故事的趣味所在,请往下读。She stopped for a moment, then walked on.她停了一会儿,然后又向前走。


  Put your coat on. 把外衣穿上。

  She put the tablecloth on.

  她铺上了台布。I didn't have my glasses on.

  我没戴眼镜。He has new shoes on.

  他穿上新鞋。③作表语, 表示已连接、处于工作状态或使用中(反义off)The lights were all on.灯都亮着。比较: The lights were all off.灯都关了。The TV is always on in their house.他们家的电视总是开着。

  ④作表语, 表示发生

  There was a war on at the time.

  当时正值战争。What's on at the movies?电影院在上演什么片子?


  The game is still on.

  (= It has not been cancelled)比赛仍将举行。

  4. on的固定搭配

  1) on foot  步行,走路2) on time  准时3) on schedule 准时4) on show  在展览5) on display  在展览6) on sale  在出售7) on duty  值日,值班8) on business 办事,因公,出差9) on fire 着火10) on the way 在路上;在进行中11) on one's way to 在去的路上12) on a visit to 参观,访问…13) on purpose 故意14) on the whole 总的看来15) on board 在船上,在飞机上,在火车上16) on the go 忙个没完;十分活跃17) on and on 不停地, 继续不断地18) on leave (在)休假;度假;正在休假19) on the left 在左边, 在左侧20) on watch (通常指军队夜间的)警戒,值夜21) on the back 在背后22) on one’s own 独自地,独立地23) on one’s side 在某人一边24) on no condition 绝不,无论在任何条件下都不25) on the contrary 反之,正相反26) on the one hand 一方面27) on the other hand 另一方面28) on paper 以书面形式,在筹划中29) on vacation 度假30) on the table 在桌面上,公开地31) on trial 在受审,在试验中