
2021-03-02 15:00:42


  1.Contrast may make something appear more beautiful than it is when ________alone.

  A. seen

  B. is seen

  C. to be seen

  D. having been seen

  2. Thefootball game comes to you ________ from New York.

  A. lively

  B. alive

  C. live

  D. living

  3. Noneof us expected the chairman to ________at the party. We thought he was still inhospital.

  A. turn in

  B. turn over

  C. turn up

  D. turn down

  4. Themother didn't know who ________ for the broken glass.

  A. blamed

  B. be blamed

  C. to blame

  D. would blame

  5. He ________to his customers and halved the price.

  A. leaked

  B. drew

  C. quoted

  D. yielded

  6. Tryonwas extremely angry, but cool-headed enough to ____ storming into the boss'soffice.

  A. prevent

  B. prohibit

  C. turn

  D. avoid

  7. Allflights ________ because of the terrible weather, they had to go there bytrain.

  A. having been canceled

  B. had been canceled

  C. having canceled

  D. were canceled

  8. Theauthor of the report is well ________ with the problems in the hospital becausehe has been working there for many years.

  A. informed

  B. acquainted

  C. enlightened

  D. acknowledged

  9. Theboy spent as much time watching TV as he ________ studying.

  A. does

  B. had

  C. was

  D. did

  10. Theship's generator broke down, and the pumps had to be operated ________ insteadof mechanically.

  A. manually

  B. artificially

  C. automatically

  D. synthetically


  1. A


  2. C


  3. C

  本题考查的是短语动词意思的差别,turn in表示 "上缴", turn over表示 "打翻,反复考虑,周转", turn up表示"出现,露面", turn down表示 "拒绝"。本题表示主席没有在宴会上露面,所以答案为turn up。

  4. C

  本题为 "疑问词+ 不定式" 在句中做宾语,四个选项中只有一个不定式。

  5. D

  本题为因果同现,价格降了一半显然是向顾客妥协了,答案为yield。其他leak(漏),draw(画,拉,绘制) quote(引用)都与句子意思不符。

  6. D


  7. A


  8. B

  本题为搭配题,beacquainted with 表示 "对…熟悉,了解"。

  9. D

  在比较状语从句中一般应该用助动词或情态动词,本题答案为did用以代替上文中的spend time。

  10. A

  本题为对立同现,与mechanically相对的应该是manually,即手工。其他选项automatically(自动地) artificially(人工地,假), synthetically(综合底)都与mechanically不构成同现关系。