
2024-03-29 08:56:00


  01、不同观点列举型( 选择型 )

  There is a widespread concern over the issue that __+(作文题目)这是一个广受关注的话题_____. But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person.但这个热点话题通过人们的口头相传后已经变得越来越受关注 A majority of people think that _ (+观点—)大多数的人认为。。。. In their views there are 2 factors contributing to this attitude as follows:让他们产生这种观点的2个要素如下in the first place,___原因一_______.Furthermore,并且in the second place,___原因二_____. So it goes without saying that ___观点一_____. 所以不用说

  People,however但是,differ in their opinions on this matter.对这件事有不同的看法 Some people hold the idea that ___观点二_______.一些人的观点是 In their point of view,在他们看来on the one hand,一方面 ___原因一_______. On the other hand, 另一方面____原因二_____. Therefore,因此 there is no doubt that毫无疑问 ___观点二______.

  As far as I am concerned,在我看来 I firmly support the view that _(_+观点一或二)我更加坚定的支持......观点______. It is not only because ________, but also because _________.它不只是因为......也是因为......The more _______,the more ________.只有更......才能更......The more we work hard,the more we get.我们只有更加努力,我们才能收获更多。


  Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)___作文题目______. In fact,事实上 there are both advantages and disadvantages in __(题目议题)......都有好和坏的一面_____. Generally speaking,一般来说 it is widely believed there are several positive aspects as follows.X X有以下几个让我们肯定的方面。Firstly,___优点一______. And secondly ___优点二_____.

  Just As a popular saying goes, "every coin has two sides",就如一句谚语所言,任何事物都有两面性 (__+讨论议题—)______ is no exception,X X议题也不例外 and in another word,换句话说 it still has negative aspects. 它也有不好的一面To begin with,___缺点一______. In addition, ____缺点二______.

  To sum up,总之 we should try to bring the advantages of __讨论议题____ into full play,我们应该尽力利用它好的一面 and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time.同时尽可能的避免它的缺点 In that case,只有这样 we will definitely make a better use of the ____讨论议题___.我们才能更加明确的利用好.


  Currently,there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)__作文题目_______ .It is really an important concern to every one of us. As a result,we must spare no efforts to take some measures to solve this problem.

  As we know that there are many steps which can be taken to undo this problem. First of all,__途径一______. In addition,another way contributing to success of the solving problem is ___途径二_____.

  Above all,综上所述 to solve the problem of ___作文题目______,解决问题的办法是we should find a number of various ways.我们应该寻找更多的渠道 But as far as I am concerned,但依我而言 I would prefer to solve the problem in this way,我更......