
2024-04-07 13:56:29




  With the development of technology, more and more students prefer to useelectric products for taking notes and sending messages, rather than write on thepaper.

  Thus . our handwriting is not as good as it was in the past, Facing the problem.we should do as follows:

  First, we should use less electric products when learning. lf so , we can havemore opportunities to improve our handwriting.

  Besides, we must form the habit of practising calligraphy every day. hat's more.it is better to write letters to our relatives and friends by hand instead of sendinge-mails.

  Beautiful and neat handwriting. is of great benefit to us students. So let's take action right now! i'm sure our efforts will pay off!

  Calligraphy Association.




  is failure a bad thing?

  failure is a common thing in our daily life. for example, sometimes we fail topass the examinations. on other occasions, we are defeated in sport games. andthere are times when we fail to do more satisfactory work. so it is safe to saythat every one of us must have encountered failure of one kind or another.

  however, different people have different attitudes towards failure. some peoplelose heart when they come across failures. they seem to think that it is the endof the world others, on the contrary, don’t take failure seriously. they seemto think that failure is first step to success.

  in my opinion, what really counts is not failure itself, but our attitudetowards it, if we are afraid of failure and yield to it easily, we are bound tohave one failure after another, but as long as we have confidence in ourselvesand learn something from failure, we’ll certainly go from victory to victory.so i’m never afraid of failure, or i firmly believe that"failure is themother of success.

  Why l came to college(我为什么专升本)

  Why have l chosen to attend college? A question l have put to myself many times inthe past three academic years. But the answer is always the same. college education issomething I truly want to do in my life and it is worthwhile

  There are many reasons for my choosing to attend college. The main one is that lenjoy learning and gaining knowledge.l remember that as my high school education wasdrawing to a close, my desire for continuing to learn grew increasingly strong, and thedecision was naturally made when l realized l would not be content with my educationcareer at high school. College is not only a place where l can continue to seek scientifictruths, but also a place where l can be exposed to various new, original ideas. lt helpsto expand my horizons and make me a well-rounded person. Of course it is also apractical and necessary step to ensure a splendid future. in today's world, a collegeeducation has become almost essential if one wishes to compete in the job market andto find a worthwhile position.

  For these reasons, l never mind spending beautiful nights on paperwork, l neverconsider myself miserable and fairly burdened, and l never think college education is awaste of time and money.