
2024-09-19 13:50:16


  1、I have confidence (in/to) my future.

  2、(what/how) beautiful the East lake is!

  3、John (is/are) familiar with Chinese culture.

  4、There are (much/many) ways to help others.

  5、It is (a/are) first time that I have seen the sea.

  6、I’m sure you can solve the problem by (Your/yourself).

  7、I can lend my bike to you (if/or) you return it on time.

  8、The Internet has (great/greatly)changed the way we live.

  9、When I was young,Dad often (took/takes)me to the museum.

  10、I’m happy that the summer holiday (will/would)begin next month.




  二、连词成句 不得删改词语(2*6=12分)

  11、the source of/is/water/life.

  12、My family/reading books/enjoy.

  13、the beauty around you/to discover/It is a joy.

  14、try our best/Should /to realize our dreams/we.

  15、was translated into/His book/last year/French.

  16、has attracted/more and more people/life in the countryside.



  one of the most important gifts we can give our kids.[原文略]

  Kids Need Free Play

  Who:Giving our kids time to play is not a choice but a 17 .

  Why:Play is important to the 18 ,social,and emotional well-being of children and youth.

  What:Parents should 19 free play.The word“free”means both “ 20 ”and “with no cost”.

  Why:Free play enables kids to 21 with others and learn important social skills.


  (第二段部分)Because of this,the GCF decided to work with African Parks.These parks are very important for keeping Nubian giraffes safe.[原文略]

  Keep an Eye on Giraffes

  What:Giraffes are quietly 22 because their favourite 23 is difficult to find.GPS collars were used to keep an eye on giraffes but they didn’t 24 on for long.

  How:New tracking devices,which are as 25 as a chocolate bar,solar-powered,and don’t 26 giraffes much,are used to stop illegal hunting to keep giraffes safe.



  (第一段部分)It was on Sunday morning,when Sam went to see his grandfather alone.[原文略】

  27、When did the story happen?

  28、How did Sam go to see his grandfather,by bike or by bus?

  29、Who gave up the seat to the old lady?

  30、Why did other passengers also get up?

  31、Translate the underlined sentence ‘what a lovely little girl!’ into Chinese.


  37、 were you when you went to college?(old)你多大上的大学?

  38、Sorry,but I don’t know where .(live)对不起,但是我不知道他住的地方。

  39、Only by can you change your life.(work)只有努力工作才能改变你的生活。

  40、Please that you have enough rest.(sure)请确保你有足够的休息。

  41、Travel can give us a chance people from different cultures.(meet)旅行能让我们有机会认识来着不同文化背景的人。

  42、The snow is that the whole world is covered in silver.(heavy)雪下的如此之大,整个世界都银装素裹。


  根据所给信息,编辑一条英语手机短信发送给你的好朋友Tom,主要内容包括:1、请他帮忙买一本关于阅读的英文书;2、书名为On Reading;3、请他购买该书的原因;4、请他购买后尽快寄出;5、向他表示感谢。注意:1.无需写标题;2.文中不能出现个人姓名与学校名称;词数不少于40.
